Mock Trial Mock Trial

Welcome, students and coaches! 

We're excited to begin preparations for our 2025 season.Mock-trial.jpg

Are you looking to challenge yourself in a way that no class can? Do you want to take classroom learning to the next level?

Participating in Mock Trial is more than just an intellectual experience that forces you to think and react on your feet. Participating in Mock Trial is invaluable, both academically and personally. Preparing a case is an intellectually enriching experience. However, the bonds that are formed between team members and the camaraderie shared, are things you will cherish forever.

We invite you to become part of a program that will challenge, encourage and push you out of your comfort zone. We invite you to learn what you are made of.

The Utah Mock Trial competition was established in 1980 to teach students their rights and responsibilities as citizens. Each year, volunteer attorneys write or adapt a legal case involving issues of interest to youth. A handbook containing established facts, signed affidavits, and other legal information regarding the case, along with the rules and information related to the tournament, is provided for all participants. Team members play roles of witnesses, attorneys, and bailiffs in courtrooms throughout the state.

The Mock Trial Competition is open to all public and private secondary schools in Utah. Each year, more than 1,000 students, 80 teachers, 350 attorneys, and 100 community representatives participate in over 110 mock trials statewide. The high school championship team participates in the national mock trial competition.

 2025 Mock Trial Calendar of Events with Times   without teacher training


For further information, contact the Mock Trial Coordinator, Melissa Orton at 571-232-4143 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.